Let’s play Powerful Teaching Bingo!

By Pooja K. Agarwal, Ph.D.

Wow – it’s been 5 years since my book, Powerful Teaching, was published!

I am proud of my accomplishment, and even more than that, I’m proud of all the work you have done to implement the science of learning in your classrooms and schools. It is immensely rewarding to visit and hear from teachers around the world about how they’re transforming students’ long-term learning with evidence-based teaching.

I hope you’ll join me in celebrating the 5-year anniversary of Powerful Teaching with a few resources I’ve put together:

Keep reading to learn about how teachers have been using Powerful Teaching strategies around the world and how to join me for virtual and in-person professional development. I’ll also be hosting a free webinar on October 23, 2024 (save the date!).

One more way you can help me celebrate: please consider posting an honest rating or review on Amazon for Powerful Teaching. It’s an awkward ask, but it makes a huge difference in getting the science of learning into the hands of educators. The more we can reach teachers, the more we can help those that matter most — our students.

Powerful Teaching in the making


Powerful Teaching was first published in 2019, but did you know its history goes much further back? Here are some of the milestones:

Patrice and I started formally writing Powerful Teaching around 2017, but our collaboration has spanned nearly 20 years. Fast forward to today and Patrice just published her newest book, Powerful Classrooms. In her book, Patrice curates stories and strategies that educators around the world have been developing and implementing to improve students’ long-term learning.

I’m excited for Patrice’s new adventures and I’m thankful for our long friendship, which is captured in our never-before-released bloopers video from our book launch.


For even more fun, play my new Powerful Teaching Bingo. If you complete two bingos, receive an exclusive digital version of the DIY Retrieval Guide with discussion questions. If you complete all 25 bingo boxes, I’ll host a free private 1-hour Zoom for you and your organization!


Has my book been helpful in transforming your teaching and your students’ learning? Join educators like you and rate or review Powerful Teaching on Amazon. These 5 years have been so meaningful for me and it really means a lot to have your support!

Powerful professional development


I love visiting schools. This year, I’ve been fortunate to share the science of learning in person and via Zoom with K–12 schools, universities, ed tech developers, and non-profits. I thrive on the energy that educators bring to our discussions and I always get inspired with new ideas.

One example is this newsletter from Mercersburg Academy, where Julie Maurer (Associate Head of School) curates evidence-based tips for her school. She includes research from my colleagues, resources from The Learning Scientists, and practical classroom strategies. Mercersburg Academy hosts a Summer Institute each year, so check their website for more info about the 2025 institute. Do you write a newsletter about the science of learning for your school? Let me know!

If you’re interested in a virtual or in-person keynote or workshop with me, send an email to ask@retrievalpractice.org for pricing and availability. I have only 3 spots remaining for customized virtual PD in 2024, and I’m already booking virtual and in-person events for 2025.

I recognize that budgets for professional development can be limited. That’s why I’m hosting a free webinar this fall! Learn about the science of learning, energize your teaching, and see first-hand how to make professional development interactive and memorable.

Save the date for my free webinar:
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 5:00pm ET